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Die folgenden Umfragen sind verfügbar:
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- Förderprogramm zur weiteren Profilbildung in der Universität Kassel 2017 bis 2022
- Herzlich willkommen
- Interreligiöser Religionsunterricht an Schulen in Deutschland - Umfrage für Lehrkräfte
- Umfrage Fachbereichsaufträge für das ISZ / Sprachenzentrum (WiSe 20/21 bis SoSe 23)
- Feedback to Working in Kassel & Germany for international students
- Working in Germany WS21/22
- Feedback the German Job Hunt WS21/22
- Feedback to Writing your application: CV (WS21/22)
- Feedback to Writing your application: Cover Letter (WS21/22)
- Feedback to Preparing for (Online) Job Fairs WS21/22
- Feedback to Preparing for meet@uni-kassel
- Feedback to Working while studying in Germany WS21/22
- Feeback to Interview Tips for English Speaking Jobs (WS 21/22)
- Putting your GPED's degree to use (WS 21/22)
- Getting the most out of your Economics Behavior and Governance's degree WS 21/22
- Applying for jobs with your International Food Business and Consumer Studies’s degree (WS 21/22)
- All about internships WS 21/22
- Writing your application - CV & Cover letter
- Working in Germany SS2022
- The German Job hunt & Preparing for meet@Uni Kassel SoSe22
- Gepresst, gequetscht, geräuschhaft, gezogen?
- Gepresst, gequetscht, geräuschhaft, gezogen?
- Personal Branding & Networking: let yourself be seen & build a Professional Network
- Working while studying in Germany SoSe 2022
- Interview Tips for English speaking Jobs | SoSe2022
- All about Internships | SoSe 2022
- Feedback Working in Germany WS 22/23
- Feedback Seminar "The German Job hunt" WS 22/23
- Feedback Seminar "Writing your application I: CV" WS 22/23
- Feedback Seminar "Writing your application II: Cover letter" WS 2223
- Feedback Seminar "Germann Business Coaching" WS2223
- Feedback Seminar "Interview tips for English speaking Jobs" WS2223
- Feedback Seminar "All about internships" WS2223
- Umfrage Fachbereichsaufträge für das ISZ / Sprachenzentrum (WiSe 23/24 bis SoSe 25)
- Befragung unter den Nutzern der Anschlussfunktion in der NVV-App
- Navigation von News Artikeln
- Basiswissen Selbständigkeit 1
- ERAS;US+ (EM+) Nomination form_autumn/winter term 2025/26
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Arbeitslehre
- Führen und Vertrauen
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